Wednesday 25 March 2015

Viral video

A couple weeks ago, I received an email from Jes, who is the casting producer for a video that is being made by Hellmanns.  The video is to highlight how scarce and expensive fresh veggies and fruit are in some areas of the world.

Jes found me on Urbanspoon and was wondering if Gord and I would like to be part of the video.  It sounded like fun so we said "yes".  She interviewed us on Skype ... we passed the interview and were invited to be part of the project.  Yay!

It was filmed today in Battaglia's Marketplace in Mississauga.

There are 16 of us who are involved in the video.  Here is the truck with the "green room" along with a spot to have hair and make-up done.

Margot did our hair and make-up.

Here are Gord and I with our make-up and hair done.

We had to pretend we were shopping and reacting to the situation.  Then we were "interviewed" about what we thought about the subject of the video.  Finally we did some close-up shots.  It was a fun experience!

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