Armed with a bottle of Merlot and a positive attitude, she attended the first meeting of the stitch ’n bitch club. In attendance were Sophie, a young mom grappling with a toddler and a passion-deficit marriage; Nicola, an eerily sweet and demure bride-to-be; and Martin, a charming magazine editor who just had to be gay - or was he?
Beth is in her early/mid thirties and had been living with Colin for four years. She assumed they'd be married and have their first child by the time she was 35. When she discovered Colin liked the way things were, she moved out.
Angie, her friend, starts a stitch 'n bitch club and invites Beth. Also in the group are Sophie, Nicola and Martin. Beth is a freelance writer who occasionally works for Martin, who they assume is gay. In the meantime, Beth starts dating Jim, an engineer she had interviewed. Because he is older, he seems to be everything Colin isn't and Beth starts to see a future with him.
I was looking for something light and this seemed to fit the bill. Plus I'm a knitter. It started off fairly light but then things started getting went off in a few unbelievable directions. This story is written in first person perspective in Beth's voice. I didn't find anyone all that likeable. Beth and her friends were supposed to be in their thirties but acted like they were in their teens or early twenties, so immature. I figured there was a twist coming up. And there were a couple ... I saw one coming and the other one was farfetched. As a head's up, there is swearing and adult activity.