Saturday 29 July 2017

The Trillium Park and William G. Davis Trail, Toronto, ON

The Trillium Park and William G. Davis Trail opened about a month ago.  I hadn't been yet so walked there this morning to check it out (about a 20 minute walk from home).

I cut through Coronation Park first.

The Trillium Park and William G. Davis Trail is the province's new landmark park.

Previously a parking lot, the park and trail is 7.5 acres of public green space on a spectacular part of Toronto’s waterfront.

The design is inspired by Ontario landscapes and is the culmination of discussions with people from across Ontario, including the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation. As a result of public consultation, key features are included in the final design, including a pavilion and washroom facilities.

The Trillium Park and William G. Davis Trail is a first step in transforming Ontario Place into a vibrant, year-round waterfront destination.
  1. William G. Davis Trail 
  2. The Ravine with Moccasin Identifier 
  3. The Pavilion 
  4. Romantic Garden 
  5. Fire Pit 
  6. Bluff
  7. Summit

It's a lovely park and the trail is about 1.3km, which loops back.

At this fork, I went left towards the Moccasin Identifier
The Pavillion
Great views of the city!
The fire pit
The Bluff
Straight ahead is Ontario Place so I went in a bit
I headed back to the park and got back on the trail
There are a few marker trees throughout the park
At this fork, I went right
Which led to the bridge I'd gone under earlier
I kept going on that trail
I backtracked up the trail, across the bridge and got onto another one
And I was back where I started!

It's a lovely park and so nice to walk along the water.  I'll be back!

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