Friday 1 November 2013

Bright light ... Metrolinx is at it again!

A couple weeks ago I had posted how Metrolinx had worked all night 'til about 5am, keeping us awake with the noise from their equipment as they enhance the rail tracks.  The constant beep-beep-beeping was very annoying.

I went into our bedroom just now and it was lit up ... even though the light was off.


Because they are working on the tracks again ... yes, again on a Friday night!

There is a big spotlight shining in (the tracks are about 350 yards from our window).

With the blind open
With the blind closed

Update:  The spotlight was finally turned off at 12:30am.


Masshole Mommy said...

Are you kidding me? That's just not right. You need to call someone to complain!

Swordsman said...

For anybody who is being bothered by the construction - CTV News is interested on doing a story about this. It seems that something similar occurred at Yonge and Eglinton with noise from construction happening all night and their news reporting stopped the overnight work.

What they require is some proof before they can do the story. CTV news said that what we need to do is that when you hear construction going on, open your window & record the noise with your phone for around 30 seconds to a minute, plus ensure there is some sort of time stamp on the recording, such as filming their clock during the recording.

You can then call up CTV news (that night or next morning, it's so noisy everyone is awake anyways!) at 416-384-7100 and say that you have a recording of the overnight Metrolinx noise from for a piece that Mr Caldwell is doing. CTV will then will give you an email address to send it too.

Adaptable Kay said...

I really hate construction and whatnot; do you REALLY have to disrupt people's lives at unreasonable hours just to get your stuff done?