Thursday 6 August 2009

Book ~ "The Boomers Retire: A Guide for Financial Advisors and their Clients" (2008) Lynn Biscott

From ~ Well over five million Canadian boomers hope to retire in the next 10 years. The shift from planning for retirement is now on to ways of living in retirement. Using plain language throughout to explain fiscal and investment strategies, the author is writing this book for the consumers of advice as well as for their counsellors. The transition to becoming a retiree involves knowledge of government benefits, employer-sponsored retirement plans, personal sources of retirement income, and a good grasp of the options for living well after one's working days are over.

I've been in the group retirement industry for over 20 years ... and I learned some stuff from this book.

Not enough information for novices but it fills in some details if you know the basics.

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