Tuesday 11 June 2019

Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo, Saskatoon, SK

I spent some time this afternoon at the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo.

It all began with a tree nursery. Millions of saplings and a hundred years later, the Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo remains a cornerstone of ecology, inspired learning and lasting memories in the Prairies. Today, this National Historic Site boasts carefully crafted gardens, restored heritage buildings, a great new naturally-themed playground and Saskatchewan’s only CAZA-AZAC accredited zoo. Whether your visit is lively and exciting or quietly reflective, this distinctly-Saskatchewan experience is sure to be a memorable one!

The park was originally established as the Dominion Forest Nursery Station and later Sutherland Forest Nursery Station.  Between 1913-1966 it was responsible for growing and shipping 147 million trees shipped across the northern prairie provinces.  The first shipment of trees were sent to farmers in 1916. The park is designated a National Historic Site of Canada.  The nursery grew caragana, ash, maple, elm, and willow. After the nursery closed in 1966, a portion was re-opened as a city park.

The zoo is housed within the park. In 1964, when the Golden Gate Animal Farm ran into financial difficulties, the city agreed to acquire the animals and equipment.  The zoo was then relocated to the park.  The zoo is accredited by the Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums and contains over 80 species of animals.  The Saskatoon Regional Zoological Society (now called the Saskatoon Zoo Society) was formed in 1976 to aid in the education program at the zoo and advance the care of the animals.

It's not a big zoo but in addition to the animals, there is lots of park land to walk around in.  There is double fencing for safety but it was hard to get pictures of some of the animals.

Bald eagles
Grizzly bear
Pygmy goats
Goeldi monkeys
You can take the Kinsmen Express

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