Thursday 9 June 2011

Cat naps rock!

It's amazing how kitties can nap anywhere and make it look so easy!

These are just from today.

Crumpet likes to sleep behind the TV in the living room ... she was there this morning.

She discovered how comfy the chair under the dining room table was this afternoon.

At the same time, Morgan was snuggled on my lap.

After supper, Morgan had a snooze next to my laptop bag. Wow! That's quite a yawn!

There's a lot to see outside ...

Crumpet curled up next to me on the couch for yet another snooze.

Well rested, she's running around like a spaz right now! Morgan is prowling around staying out of her way.


Anonymous said...

Still killing me....

Gonna make me run out and get one if you're not careful. :)

Teena in Toronto said...

You should, Liz! There are so many that need homes.

Angie in T.O. said...

I love the pictures of them looking outside together! :)

Isabel said...

Awww looks like Morgan is coming around.

LeeAnn said...

She is just priceless!! They look fabulous together!

Teresa said...

So cute! Our kitty passed away two years ago, we had him for 18 years. You photos make me want to head on down to the shelter. Unfortunately Ms Lola has become quite territorial and will not accept a new addition to the family.

Zoey Castelino said...

Those are great pictures! I could sure go for a cat-nap right about now.

JCB said...

NO! YES! You have a wee baby kitty! Congrats! What an awesome name :) I am loving the photos by the way :)

Julie said...

Great pictures, but the two of the 2 kitties looking out the window together melts my heart!

Fizzgig said...

squeallllll! i love the kitteh pics!!! so adorable!

its like big and little, them together is the cutest! purrs!!