Tuesday 24 November 2015

Moselland Riesling wine cat bottles ... that might have been

As you know, I collect Moselland Riesling wine cat bottles ... last week I picked up the latest three (I now have 33 unopened bottles).

Recently I received an email from Alex of DIONYSUS Wines & Spirits Ltd., the agents in Ontario for Moselland ... he'd come across my postings about the cat bottles.  He had attached the history of the colours and it seems that I'm missing just three since 1999.

He said he had some cat bottles that were proposed samples for the LCBO that were never produced for sale.  They normally recycle these bottles but he offered to send them to me ... of course, I said "yes".

They arrived today ...

The smoky one on the left is interesting

Thanks, Alex!


Anonymous said...

That's very cool! What a collection, Teena.

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

I know I had a bottle of that once. I think it was white. Love that you are collecting them.