Wednesday 22 July 2009

Coin-op 'za

You know how much I love love love pizza!

I read in today's Toronto Star about a pizza vending machine.

Linda Fok wanted a slice of the hot pizza action. So, in September, the Toronto entrepreneur is rolling out Canada's first pizza vending machines.

A Wonder Pizza machine will deliver a personal pizza into your hands in about 90 seconds. Fok, who owns the distribution rights in Canada and Asia, demonstrates at the recent Ontario launch: She pops in coins, pushes buttons on a keypad, then opens the door to show off the secret workings. Pulleys and levers transfer an eight-inch pizza from a fridge to an oven to the delivery slot. On the monitor, cartoon characters toss pizza dough and seconds count down.

You can read the rest of the article here.

I dunno ... do you think it will catch on?

Have you tried it?

Do you think it would be worth the $4.50 to $5.50 charge?


Sarah said...

It doesn't sound appealing to me because I would wonder how fresh the pizza is. The price sounds reasonable.

Fizzgig said...

well i it cant be any worse than frozen pizza......and i can see myself eating pizza vending machine food........

i eat other junk in there, and that soundsa way better than honey wheat pretzels!!

Anne said...

Hi, Teena! Thanks for stopping by my blog and congratulating me on my blogoversary!

As for vending machine pizza? I dunno. At least it heats it especially for you. But I'd have to taste it. My hubby and I just started making our own pizzas at home from scratch ... and it's soooo yummy! Don't think vending Za would be the same! :-)

Teresa said...

Its bound to be popular with some people. However I think I will skip it.

JCB said...

I would KILL to have one of these in the residence halls I manage. Getting food for the students is a PAIN and one of the things I need to be working on. I wonder if I could get one delivered?

Lord of the Wings said...

It looks . . . interesting. I mean, I'd try it, but I don't know if it could be very good . . .

OldLady Of The Hills said...

It just might catch on BIG, or, maybe be as big a bust as The Edsel was.....! LOL! You are too young to remember The Edsel, probably, but it was one of The Ford Company's Biggest Failures....Google it!

Isabel said...

I'm wondering how it would taste...

Tina said...

sounds fab. i want one over here too. that would be so cool!

...just-rambling... said...

I'd be concerned about a vending machine pizza. They can't even get vending machine coffee taste good!

Anonymous said...

Sounds a bit gross to me to be honest! And I LOVE pizza.

Do people think it's hard to get pizza? I mean, come on, we have enough pizza places, don't we??