Friday 21 February 2014

Island Foods, Toronto, ON (King Street W)

I had lunch today at Island Foods (Dufferin Street/King Street W), which is in my 'hood.  It's been a while since I've been there.

I've been going there since 1998, when I worked a couple blocks from it.  My colleagues and I used to go on a weekly basis.

I got there about 11:30am.  By noon, there was a line-up out the door.

I ordered my usual ... a boneless chicken roti.

As always, it was delicious!  Yum-mee!

Island Foods on Urbanspoon


Susan Demeter said...

I'll have to try them one day. I like Bacchus Roti on Queen, but they have odd hours I find.

Masshole Mommy said...

It looks like there is a lot of "juice" in that - is there supposed to be?

Teena in Toronto said...

Mom: Some people get extra sauce on top of the roti.

Rosie said...

I've driven by so many times but still haven't tried. Looks good.
I also find Bacchus Is never open when I want to go!