I had checked in on the web before I left the hotel so I could save time and just go straight to security.
I took my laptop out of my suitcase and put it in a separate bin, as required. No change or keys in my pockets.
When I walked through the scanner, it went off.
A female guard waved the wand over me and it went off because of my bra (underwire), the waist of my pants (the closure clips) and shoes (buckles). Then she patted me down thoroughly (front and back), asking me how I liked the massage. She had me take my shoes off and checked my feet. Throughout all this, she and I were joking around.
Then a male guard wanted to go through my suitcase and purse. He was joking that if he found something, I'd have to stay in Montreal and drink beer, eat pizza and chocolate and go to a hockey game.
Of course, they found nothing.
Steve was behind me and they put him through the same drill. I notice that everyone was getting the same treatment.
Very thorough indeed.
I went through the Montreal airport last month and it was nothing like that. Something going on perhaps?
Are they like that at your airport? I've never experienced that at Toronto's airports.
They like to get all close and personal at PET. Thats why they changed the name.
I certainly got thoroughly PETted :)
I'm so sick of airport security, I couldn't even tell you. It's just smoke and mirrors to restrict our last few freedoms, I highly doubt it makes anyone safer.
That's quite the check - I hope they took you out to dinner first!
On one hand, its good to see that an airport is actually doing the security they were supposed to be doing. On the other hand, I think its a little ridiculous process to go through. So much hassle.
Unfortunately, its been a few years since I got to take a plane trip anywhere
i had a camera, a magazine, and my rechargable batteries in my carry on and thats it, and they pulled me out from the xray line to go have everything looked at. i felt so wrong even though i didnt do anything! scarey! I was just flying like 600 miles.
maybe related to riots expected for hockey?? or random day special?
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