They doubt city has legal authority to tell any retailer 'how much your good has to sell for'
Toronto stores hand out 460 million shopping bags a year – and starting next June, shoppers may have to pay 5 cents each for them under a plan worked out between the city and big grocery retailers.
Plastic bags by the numbers
460 million - Plastic shopping bags used in Toronto each year
3.5 billion - Plastic shopping bags used in Ontario each year
20 minutes - Average time each bag is used
400 years - Time it takes for a plastic shopping bag to break down
Source - Toronto Star Library
You can read more about this in today's Toronto Star.
I think this is an excellent idea!
Gord and I bought the reuseable bags during the summer and love them!
We usually shop at No Frills and they have been charging a nickel a bag for years so we're used to this. We shop at Metro occasionally and they doesn't charge for bags.
The liquor store stopped making plastic bags months ago and, once their supply is gone as it is in our local one, you have to use paper bags or boxes or bring your own.
1 comment:
I agree with you., most excellent idea, anything to help out Mother Earth!
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