Sunday 7 April 2019

Open Cribbage Tournament, Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 31 Mount Dennis, Toronto, ON

Gord and I enjoy playing cribbage.

We discovered that cribbage tournaments are held every few months at the Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 31 Mount Dennis.  We went to the one in January and had fun so went again today.

There was a big turnout ... 70 teams!  They had to keep bringing up tables and chairs from downstairs to accommodate everyone.

Gord and I were team #58.  We played 10 games and were a "moving team" (we moved from table to table) whereas other teams stayed at the same table for all ten games.  Most of our games were played on backwards cribbage boards ... instead of starting at the bottom right and going up and around and then up, we started at the top right, going down and around and then up.  I'd never seen a cribbage board like that before and I had to focus to make sure I was pegging the right way.

Here were the prizes ...

Alas, Gord and I had four wins and six losses so didn't make the winners' board (not even close!).

Waiting for the final results

There were two 50/50 draws, each averaging $350.  We didn't win either of those.

Though we didn't win any prizes, we had a lot of fun.  We'll be back for the next one in June!

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