Saturday 23 December 2023

Cat Shelter Building Workshop, Toronto Street Cats, Toronto, ON

I spent this morning volunteering with Toronto Street Cats building cat shelters which are sold to the public. The workshops are held throughout the fall and winter season at the Toronto Humane Society.  I've been volunteering with them since 2018 ... it's so nice helping the kitties in Toronto keep warm and dry during the cold winter.

In addition to selling the shelters for $15 or three for $30, Toronto Street Cats also provides free straw to replenish existing shelters.

When I got there, Thom was cutting the tubes for the entrance ways.

There were a couple tubs that needed to have the the insulated walls taped together.


Thom drilled holes into the tubs for entrance ways and we focused on taping the tubing to the holes.

Katherine and Prudence
Katherine, me and Prudence

Signs are taped to the lids.


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